9,898 research outputs found

    Robust stability of second-order systems

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    A feedback linearization technique is used in conjunction with passivity concepts to design robust controllers for space robots. It is assumed that bounded modeling uncertainties exist in the inertia matrix and the vector representing the coriolis, centripetal, and friction forces. Under these assumptions, the controller guarantees asymptotic tracking of the joint variables. A Lagrangian approach is used to develop a dynamic model for space robots. Closed-loop simulation results are illustrated for a simple case of a single link planar manipulator with freely floating base

    Theory and computation of optimal low- and medium-thrust transfers

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    This report presents the formulation of the optimal low- and medium-thrust orbit transfer control problem and methods for numerical solution of the problem. The problem formulation is for final mass maximization and allows for second-harmonic oblateness, atmospheric drag, and three-dimensional, non-coplanar, non-aligned elliptic terminal orbits. We setup some examples to demonstrate the ability of two indirect methods to solve the resulting TPBVP's. The methods demonstrated are the multiple-point shooting method as formulated in H. J. Oberle's subroutine BOUNDSCO, and the minimizing boundary-condition method (MBCM). We find that although both methods can converge solutions, there are trade-offs to using either method. BOUNDSCO has very poor convergence for guesses that do not exhibit the correct switching structure. MBCM, however, converges for a wider range of guesses. However, BOUNDSCO's multi-point structure allows more freedom in quesses by increasing the node points as opposed to only quessing the initial state in MBCM. Finally, we note an additional drawback for BOUNDSCO: the routine does not supply information to the users routines for switching function polarity but only the location of a preset number of switching points

    High Dynamic Range RF Front End with Noise Cancellation and Linearization for WiMAX Receivers

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    This research deals with verification of the high dynamic range for a heterodyne radio frequency (RF) front end. A 2.6 GHz RF front end is designed and implemented in a hybrid microwave integrated circuit (HMIC) for worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) receivers. The heterodyne RF front end consists of a low-noise amplifier (LNA) with noise cancellation, an RF bandpass filter (BPF), a downconverter with linearization, and an intermediate frequency (IF) BPF. A noise canceling technique used in the low-noise amplifier eliminates a thermal noise and then reduces the noise figure (NF) of the RF front end by 0.9 dB. Use of a downconverter with diode linearizer also compensates for gain compression, which increases the input-referred third-order intercept point (IIP3) of the RF front end by 4.3 dB. The proposed method substantially increases the spurious-free dynamic range (DRf) of the RF front end by 3.5 dB

    讀藍氏箸中國之家庭與社會 = On Olga Lang : Chinese family and society

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    藍氏(Olga Lang)係曾在北平協和醫院社會服務部工作之—俄國女子,此書於一九三五年至三七年受社會硏究所(哥侖比亞大學)及太平洋學會委託而硏究之結果,但遲至一九四六年始由耶魯大學出版部印行。全書分爲兩編:舊時中國之家庭及現代中國之家庭。 第一編首將中國舊時社會狀況作—簡要之叙述,然後列舉舊家庭生活之各方面:家庭之功能與結構;家庭中各種關係:愛情,婚姻,離婚;女子在舊日中國家庭及社會中地位;殿以‘家庭與社會’一章,作者指出孝道過度發展之種種弊病。 第二編所佔篇幅數倍於前,似爲作者所硏究之主要部分。作者首將中國鄕村與城市之新經濟與社會環境說明,再述舊式家庭之受人攻擊。然後暢論現代中國之愛情與婚姻及其與舊日之對照。再在舉出家庭之類型與人數後,將家庭中各方面關係分爲數章詳述:家庭分子之合作,親戚關係,家庭勢力,人情主義,夫妻關係,老年人地位,兒童,靑年及友誼。最後一章係‘總結’

    Robust stability of second-order systems

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    This progress report gives current progress of the research in nonlinear robust control using positive real concept. The progress is documented in a draft paper. In the paper, the manipulator dynamics is reformulated differently from the existing equations of motion for free base robots. This new formulation gives a compact form of the dynamic equations for easy computation. The nonlinear terms are now considered. The results show that for an additional nonlinear friction term, the feedback controller designed using passivity concept works quite well. Although design of such a controller requires simulation of the dynamics for the example shown in the following draft, this design procedure is feasible

    Robust stability of second-order systems

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    It has been shown recently how virtual passive controllers can be designed for second-order dynamic systems to achieve robust stability. The virtual controllers were visualized as systems made up of spring, mass and damping elements. In this paper, a new approach emphasizing on the notion of positive realness to the same second-order dynamic systems is used. Necessary and sufficient conditions for positive realness are presented for scalar spring-mass-dashpot systems. For multi-input multi-output systems, we show how a mass-spring-dashpot system can be made positive real by properly choosing its output variables. In particular, sufficient conditions are shown for the system without output velocity. Furthermore, if velocity cannot be measured then the system parameters must be precise to keep the system positive real. In practice, system parameters are not always constant and cannot be measured precisely. Therefore, in order to be useful positive real systems must be robust to some degrees. This can be achieved with the design presented in this paper

    Robust stability of second-order systems

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    This report presents a robust control design using strictly positive realness for second-order dynamic systems. The robust strictly positive real controller allows the system to be stabilized with only acceleration measurements. An important property of this design is that stabilization of the system is independent of the system parameters. The control design connects a virtual system to the given plant. The combined system is positive real regardless of system parameter uncertainty. Then any strictly positive real controllers can be used to achieve robust stability. A spring-mass system example and its computer simulations are presented to demonstrate this controller design

    Robust stability of second-order systems

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    Nonlinear control using feedback linearization or inverse dynamics for robotic manipulators yields good results in the absence of modeling uncertainty. However, modeling uncertainties due to unknown joint friction coefficients and payload variations can give rise to undesirable characteristics when these control systems are implemented. It is shown how passivity concepts can be used to supplement the feedback linearization control design technique, in order to make it robust with respect to the uncertain effects mentioned above. Results are obtained for space manipulators with freely floating base; however, they are applicable to fixed base manipulators as well. The controller guarantees asymptotic tracking of the joint variables. Closed-loop simulation results are illustrated for planar space manipulators for cases where uncertainty exists in friction modeling and payload inertial parameters

    Theory and computation of optimal low- and medium-thrust transfers

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    This report describes the current state of development of methods for calculating optimal orbital transfers with large numbers of burns. Reported on first is the homotopy-motivated and so-called direction correction method. So far this method has been partially tested with one solver; the final step has yet to be implemented. Second is the patched transfer method. This method is rooted in some simplifying approximations made on the original optimal control problem. The transfer is broken up into single-burn segments, each single-burn solved as a predictor step and the whole problem then solved with a corrector step

    Theory and computation of optimal low- and medium-thrust transfers

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    This report presents two numerical methods considered for the computation of fuel-optimal, low-thrust orbit transfers in large numbers of burns. The origins of these methods are observations made with the extremal solutions of transfers in small numbers of burns; there seems to exist a trend such that the longer the time allowed to perform an optimal transfer the less fuel that is used. These longer transfers are obviously of interest since they require a motor of low thrust; however, we also find a trend that the longer the time allowed to perform the optimal transfer the more burns are required to satisfy optimality. Unfortunately, this usually increases the difficulty of computation. Both of the methods described use small-numbered burn solutions to determine solutions in large numbers of burns. One method is a homotopy method that corrects for problems that arise when a solution requires a new burn or coast arc for optimality. The other method is to simply patch together long transfers from smaller ones. An orbit correction problem is solved to develop this method. This method may also lead to a good guidance law for transfer orbits with long transfer times